How to make BANANA BREAD

INGREDIENTS for 1 loaf pan 11x24cm:
▪️ 280g all-purpose flour
▪️ 100g almond flour
▪️ 100g sugar / or use sugar substitute
▪️ 12g baking powder
▪️ 2g salt
▪️ 150g softened butter
▪️ 100g pecans / or you can take walnut or almond
▪️ 420g overripe sweet banana (3-4 pcs) / weight for peeled
▪️ 3 large eggs
▪️ 2 tsp vanilla extract
▪️ + butter for grease loaf pan
? BAKE 40-50 minutes at 355℉ / 180℃

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How to make BANANA BREAD with pecans | shorts easy recipe

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